Thistle Nationals
Crossing a big river (not sure which one), on the way North.
We did not expect to see a Mosque one the way to Lake Erie!
Classic 70's concrete monstosity
Finally made it...Lake Erie!
The measuring tent
Eleanor and Jamie.
Elliot, Jamie, Eleanor and Thistling friends.
Jamie beating up Elliot!
The dinghy park...we had spot 25 which was nice and close to the hoist.
The channel from the club with Lake Erie beyond.
Shot from the roof of North Cape Yacht Club.
The pipers.....git in my belly....
Brian, Elliot and Michael returning to the dock after some pretty nice wind out on the lake for Junior Nationals.
Brian proudly displaying the ball of weed that was clinging to a trailing spinnaker line.......perhaps it slowed them down a bit....!